Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Droppin' In

Dave Lawler comes down off the ridge after the perfect midtown powder expedition.

Stash of Untracked 'Der

Dave Lawler and Eugene Buchanan discover a stash of untracked powder...not too far from Steamboat Magazine's office.

Boys Will be Boys

After poaching what they tell me was near-perfect powder, Eugene Buchanan and Dave Lawler land safely in the magazine's parking lot.

In Pursuit of Powder

Eugene Buchanan crests the ridge after poaching the dorkiest of lines.

Classic Dorky Linesman

Some of the finest powder Eugene Buchanan has ridden yet this year...and it was the classic dorky line.

Urban Powder

Eugene Buchanan hopes for a six-figure contract from North Face after this exotic run in Steamboat Magazine's backyard.

Dorky Lines

Dave Lawler crests the ridge on a four-turn run.

Urban Riders

Eugene Buchanan and Dave Lawler couldn't stand looking out our office window anymore without proving they are brave men who will attempt the dorkiest of lines.